The Need
The European Food Safety Authority has reported that more than 97.4% of foods contain pesticide residues, while more than one in four (27.3%) food samples have traces of more than one type of pesticides. However, despite the widespread public concern and the guidance on the negative effects of pesticide application, farmers continue to use them extensively. This is because crop losses due to harmful pests today account for 40% of world production and are estimated they would be twice without the use of pesticides.
One of the most important reasons for unreasonable waste of pesticides is the frequent inappropriate spraying applications from the producers, resulting in negative environmental impacts such as an increased likelihood of groundwater contamination, as well as an increase in crop resistance to pesticides. The most important objective in spraying is to achieve a uniform distribution of pesticides in the crop foliage. The low dose does not provide the desired coverage, and the overdose is costly as it becomes a reckless waste of pesticides. In addition, unsuccessful sprayings due to incorrect sprayer settings and/or adverse weather conditions can additionally reduce efficiency. Farmers should only spray in favorable weather conditions and should avoid spraying on windy days or when there is an impending rain.
Our Approach
EffiSpray is an online tool that informs its users of the ideal spraying day and hour, based on innovative weather data processing. EffiSpray calculates, depending on weather conditions (air temperature, air humidity, wind speed etc.) the ideal day and hour for spraying, making predictions for the next five days. Usage of EffiSpray predictions, contributes significantly to the increase of plant protection products efficiency and to the reduction of the spraying applications number per growing season. Through the application, the producer can see both the map and the table the right time to spray for any area of interest in Greece. Read More